Thursday, April 28, 2016

DESMOS Polygraph Lesson

We've just launched into a unit on graphing linear equations in my 7th grade class. I started the unit with the Domino's Pizza lesson from Mathalicious and my goal of this lesson was to improve my students vocabulary as well as their ability to ask specific questions. So, I decided to give the Desmos Polygraph on Linear Equations a try.

My hope was that students would use words like: x-axis, y-axis, intercepts, rate of change, slope, quadrants, horizontal, vertical... you know stuff that relates to linear equations. Now, this wasn't a complete pipe dream as we've visited linear equations in the past, but only briefly.

So, I did a small re-introduction of the vocabulary and relating back to our introductory "pizza" lesson, challenged the kids to use the word bank listed on the board, and set them free. They were engaged, they all were participating, they all were asking questions, some were even yelling across the room complaining that their partner had given the wrong answer, but it appeared that few were actually using the math vocabulary that I hoped, and I became frustrated. Looking back, I realize that my expectations were a bit unrealistic. Because when I reviewed the comments, there was a whole lot of learning and a whole lot of vocabulary being used, especially since about 80% of my students are ELLs (I teach in the Philippines). Take a look at a few screenshots of the questions asked.

The questions aren't perfect, and it's not what I envisioned, but there is definitely a solid foundation for me to build upon. To wrap up the lesson, I highlighted some of the better questions. I think that I could do a better job of coaching them to use some of the other key vocabulary, but I'm not exactly sure how without writing the questions for them.

I'm going to do these two more times with my other two classes and we'll see how it goes. Thank you to Desmos, Mathalicious and all the other amazing free resources out there that let me leave the textbook from time to time...even if it doesn't go according to plan.

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